Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Portrait posters

These are some of my portrait projects. 

Baba Yaga

This project involved the story of Baba Yaga.  Here is my take on that witch.


One more illustration that comes from my archaeological research and excavations.

Some samples of my archaeological illustrations

Pen and ink with watercolors

My latest illustrations with pen and ink with watercolor.  These are for a project that I developed for students to look at art in the museum.  I wrote the material for a booklet as well as made these illustrations.

Figure Drawing

These are two of my better figure drawings because the models posed for a long time.  I did them with china marker so calculations needed to be pretty good the first time since you cannot erase your marks.  I do not mind showing the calculation marks.

Graphite drawings

Here are some personal drawings and others that were done for projects.  I like graphite because it gives me so much control.  Hope you will enjoy.