Wednesday, July 25, 2012

This is an illustration on the issue of the traffic problem in Georgia but especially Atlanta.  The supposed solution to transportation issues are going to be solved with a 1% tax increase that is to be voted by the end of this month.  The idea of roads being improved upon might seem good but that will also mean road blocks and of course the tax increase over a period of 10 years.  Politicians say that this will improve the city and create jobs.  Indeed Atlanta has grown and we need to keep it up but will this tax really be the solution?  The fact is that no one really knows when this extra tax will be stopped since in 10 years we just might still have traffic problems.

In any case, here is my visual depiction of the problem.  In the end it might seem like a game at times and it all depends on how the money will be managed and some luck of course.

I will post my process in the making.  I had a few ideas but the one that worked best where I could include all the facets of this issue was the game board idea.  I sketched each part of the game board and then pasted together for the final lay out.  I transferred the drawing to the scratch board and scratched away.  I looked at a lot of examples and on-line tutorials because this was my first time working with scratch board.  I thought it would work well for news print.

Let me know your thoughts. Hope you like it :).

Sunday, July 8, 2012